Keeping Your Trees Healthy
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Keeping Your Trees Healthy

When I first bought a new house, I realized that the front trees were a little overgrown. I was worried about a branch breaking in the wind and smashing into a window or the roof, and so I decided to invest in professional tree service. When the arborist came, he had more concerns than just a few overgrown branches. Apparently, a few of my trees had also developed serious pest infestations, and I was worried about what it might mean for their health. He carefully trimmed each tree to ward off disease, and within a few weeks, they were looking a lot better. This blog explains how a professional tree trimmer could help you, so that you aren't left with dying trees.


Keeping Your Trees Healthy

Common Beech Tree Diseases – And How To Save Your Tree

Joshua Mercier

Beech trees are large stretching trees with delicate leaves that turn beautiful shades of yellow in autumn. A birch tree can make a major statement in a yard of any size, but only if the tree is kept healthy for years to come. There are certain tree diseases that affect beech trees that you need to watch for and treat as soon as symptoms present. Reduce the risk of the diseases forming but calling in a tree trimming service for regular trimmings.

Heart Rot Disease

You can tell your tree might have heart rot disease if small, mushroom shaped bulges start to appear on the branches. The bulges will only appear in areas of the tree that are already damaged such as a cracked or dried out branch. Heart rot can then start to spread throughout the tree, killing off healthy wood as it moves. Left untreated, the trunk can be eaten to the point that you will need to have the tree removed.

Heart rot is fairly easy to treat when caught in the early stages. Simply trim off the affected branches before it has time to spread. If you're an uncertain gardener, leave the trimming to a tree trimming service as accidental pruning shear cuts can open up a new wound where the heart rot can take hold.

Beech Bark Disease

Beech bark disease is a fast-spreading, often fatal tree disease caused by a combination of insects and fungi. The duo eats away at the wood until white scaling appears in the deadening areas. Eventually, the tree can snap apart as the support structure becomes weaker and weaker.

There is no way to save or treat a tree with bark disease, but you might still be able to save other beech trees that aren't yet infected. Have a tree removal service come in and completely remove the infected tree. Ask a landscaper or local scientist to look at your remaining trees for signs of infection and remove any that might also be showing signs of infection.

Root Rot

Root rot can be caused by several different types of fungi that present with similar symptoms. The roots of the tree will become darker to the point of turning black and also grow more and more brittle. Smaller beech trees might tip over in a high windstorm if the roots have completely rotted already.

If your roots are starting to look unhealthy, call in a landscaper to test the tree for any of the root rot causing fungi. Identifying the underlying fungi is important for developing a treatment via fungicide.

For a professional tree service, contact a company such as Hodgson's Expert Tree Service
