Keeping Your Trees Healthy
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Keeping Your Trees Healthy

When I first bought a new house, I realized that the front trees were a little overgrown. I was worried about a branch breaking in the wind and smashing into a window or the roof, and so I decided to invest in professional tree service. When the arborist came, he had more concerns than just a few overgrown branches. Apparently, a few of my trees had also developed serious pest infestations, and I was worried about what it might mean for their health. He carefully trimmed each tree to ward off disease, and within a few weeks, they were looking a lot better. This blog explains how a professional tree trimmer could help you, so that you aren't left with dying trees.


Keeping Your Trees Healthy

Help Your Young Trees Survive The Winter

Joshua Mercier

If you have recently bought a new house in a developing neighborhood or if you have decided to plant some new trees in your yard, you need to make sure that you help your trees live through their first winter and the next few winters after that. Young trees are more vulnerable than mature trees to damage during the winter. Here are some things you can do to help your young trees thrive.

Protect the Bark

Young trees have tender bark that hasn't toughed and thickened like the bark of older, more mature trees. This bark is appealing to hungry animals during the winder, including deer and rabbits. Rabbits and deer can strip the bark, exposing the tree's interior to the elements. The tree is then more likely to become infested with insects or to contract diseases. Also, if the bark is stripped all the way around, the tree cannot survive, because the inner layers of the bark are what transport nutrients up the tree and back down again. The top is essentially cut off from the roots. This damage is called girdling and it is always fatal. 

You can place bark protectors around the trees during the fall and winter months to deter animals who might try to make a meal out of your young tree. These protectors are hard plastic that wrap around the trunk of the tree up to where the lower branches begin. Bark protectors can also keep your tree safe from young bucks who use your tree for an antler scratch post. 

Give Water When You Can

New trees need plenty of water to help establish their root systems, especially if they are recently transplanted. However, when temperature drop below freezing, they don't pull as much water from the ground. Watch the weather forecast. If you have a mild couple of weeks where the days are above freezing, water the tree each day to return some moisture to the soil. The extra water will help your tree come back in the spring with an extra boost of health. 

Add Mulch

Extreme temperatures and temperature fluctuations can be harmful to a tree. To protect the roots of the tree from extreme weather or sudden, unexpected drops in temperature, you can lay down a thick layer of mulch each fall. Keep mulch a few inches thick, and spread it as wide as the tree canopy, because the root system and the branches of the tree are about the same in circumference. The mulch keeps moisture in the ground and keeps the roots from freezing. 

Contact a company like Tielis Tree Service for more information.
