When I first bought a new house, I realized that the front trees were a little overgrown. I was worried about a branch breaking in the wind and smashing into a window or the roof, and so I decided to invest in professional tree service. When the arborist came, he had more concerns than just a few overgrown branches. Apparently, a few of my trees had also developed serious pest infestations, and I was worried about what it might mean for their health. He carefully trimmed each tree to ward off disease, and within a few weeks, they were looking a lot better. This blog explains how a professional tree trimmer could help you, so that you aren't left with dying trees.
Joshua Mercier
Pruning is vital not only for the appearance of your yard but also for the health and longevity of the plants that live in it. Unfortunately, many homeowners fail to understand even the most basic principles of pruning. If you would like to boost your DIY lawn care skills, read on. This article will outline two vital tips for keeping your trees and bushes thriving.
Dead, Damaged, Diseased, Deranged
The "Four Ds" listed above are the most important thing to remember when it comes to pruning your bushes and trees. These are the areas on which it is most important for you to focus. Begin by pruning away any dead or damaged parts of the tree. Those areas decrease the visual appeal of the plant and also raise the risk of disease and/or rot setting in.
Now, move on to any areas of the plant that appear to be diseased. These may be conspicuous by their yellowing or discolored leaves, as well as by the presence of any weak and droopy branches. In order to keep from spreading disease from one part of the tree to another, be sure to keep a bucket on hand containing a mixture of water and 10% bleach. Disinfect your clippers in this bucket between each cut.
Last of all, prune back any deranged portions of the tree or bush. This word refers to areas of growth that simply don't fit in with the overall shape of the plant. It may include such things as crossed or hooked branches, as well as branches that are growing in too close of proximity to the primary trunk.
Collar Cut
Sometimes, in order to protect a tree from spreading disease, it is necessary to prune off an entire larger branch. In that case, it is vital that you remove the branch at the right location. Try to avoid leaving a stub behind, as this will provide an all too convenient point of entry for disease and rot. Instead, make your cut at the collar of the branch.
The collar is the slightly swelled area of bark that can be found right where the branch comes into contact with the main trunk. The collar is part of the tree's built-in self defense system. As long as the collar is not damaged when removing the branch, it will soon begin growing outward. Eventually it will have covered the wound completely, thus protecting the tree against unwanted invasion.